Just a Note to Say Hi!

Just a Note to Say Hi!

I want to give you a little background info about me and my store! I am a mom of four aged 19,17,6,and 5. The two youngest are boys that are non verbal with autism and sensory processing disorder. Before my boys I don't think I ever really knew what Spd was and how many children and adults actually struggle everday. CJ my 5 year old is wild, loud, and energetic! Matty my 6 year old is a little more reserved, likes routine, and relaxation! But one thing they have in common is their sensory disorder. CJ bites his shirts and his fingers when he's nervous or anxious, or when he is just trying to sit still and Matty bites his hand when he's angry or overstimulated. And even though their symptoms are little different, chewies have worked for both of them! I first learned about the chew necklaces through one of Matty's therapists after many attempts at different sensory tools. The necklaces became a cute, safe, and discreet way to divert him from biting his hands! Later I introduced the necklace to CJ and now its just a stylish part of their everyday apparel! But most importantly the chewies help Matty calm down and Cj focus. At first we had the original chewies you will see everywhere like the lego one and when I starting finding all these different shapes, sizes, and textures, the kids starting getting excited about getting new ones ....which for me was huge to see them actually have interest in something and also to be interested in choosing which one they want to wear! So I hope I can share that with you and your loved ones!
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